Ecological Transition
Thematic Guide #2: SSE and Ecological Transition
How does SSE participate in the Ecological and Energy Transition?
Because of the way they operate, their local presence in the territories and their democratic governance, the SSE and the inclusive economy embody and carry the solutions for the ecological and energy transition. This summary mentions initiatives and solutions that already exist, and explores the numerous levers of action to support stakeholders in the field. It will enrich and support the work carried out by the members of the PACT FOR IMPACT Alliance to produce 100 concrete commitments for a more inclusive, fair, green and innovative economy.
« The ecological transition is essential, and it must be socially balanced, inclusive and acceptable. The challenge is to adapt our economy to a climate emergency that requires us to innovate quickly.«
Olivia GREGOIRE, French Secretary of State for the Social, Solidarity and Responsible Economy
« Social enterprises have a key role to play, but they lack finance and capital. The emergence of the social stock market will see the emergence of new instruments that could be used by social enterprises in the energy sector. The key will be when different stakeholders are able to embrace the complexity to make an impact. »
Anita AHUJA, Co-founder and President of Conserve India
SSEOs position themselves as levers for the Ecological Transition
How to enable the SSE to face the Ecological Transition ?
The climate emergency requires a common agenda to safeguard the planet and human life. It is the role of governments and states to allocate stronger support to SSE that participate in the achievement of the UN SDGs through rethinking economic models and channels.
In order to face the climate emergency and because SSE entities contribute intrinsically to this Ecological and Energy Transition, local and national governments have an interest in supporting the development of SSE initiatives.
The latter emerged from the interviews conducted as local solutions to the transition, with modes of operation and governance consistent with new economic models that are more respectful of the environment and humans. To achieve this, several levers are available to governments:
- Scaling up the action of advocacy and awareness-raising actors to mobilise around these issues;
- Upgrading the technical and administrative skills of SSE actors on the subjects of the Ecological and Energy Transition;
- Participation of the government in the relocation of supply chains, a process already initiated by SSEs;
- Internalization of environmental impact in the calculation of performance;
- Legislation around a green recovery.
Call to contribution
The Pact For Impact Alliance is launching a form to identify innovative initiatives! This form is intended to source innovative initiatives on the challenges outlined in our thematic guides.
This form will enable us to recognize the expertise of Pact for Impact members in order to include them in the production of our 100 commitments for the end of 2021.
If you too would like to participate in the co-construction of 100 Pact for Impact commitments, please fill in the form below!
To access the form in english, change the language in the top right corner
In order to facilitate connections between actors on these subjects of general interest, a map has been created by Pact for Impact. It brings together actors and events from the Social Solidarity Economy and Inclusive Business in order to highlight their diversity and complementarity.
You too can appear on this map!