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Review of the 2022 roadmap presentation event

Last March, the Pact for Impact Alliance brought together more than 150 Alliance stakeholders in Paris and Zoom to take stock of the Alliance in 2021 and define its roadmap for the coming years. This event was an opportunity for all the stakeholders present (government delegations, international organisations and social entrepreneurs from all over the world) to create and develop more synergies around the new Alliance Coalition Manifesto, presented during the event, which formalises the commitment of Pact for Impact members to contribute to the recognition of SSE at the international level and their support for the work of the Alliance. 




The objective of this event was to have SSE recognised as a major player in sustainable development on an international scale, notably by

  • Identifying the levers and obstacles faced by SSE structures in order to initiate discussions with public authorities, the private sector and civil society;
  • Producing statistical data on SSE to enable evidence-based policy making;
  • Working to raise awareness among funders to encourage them to invest in SSE, as well as working between SSE and mainstream companies to encourage the latter to rethink their business models;
  • And finally, by collectively bringing a resolution at the UN level to recognise the potential of SSE in the development of sustainable growth and the achievement of the SDGs by 2030.  



The Manifesto already gathers more than 41 signatories including 7 States (and 16 countries represented): moving towards an international recognition of the potential of SSE!